
The Board of the Research Group of NeuroRadiology is subdivided into two sections, one for diagnostic and the other for therapeutic, and includes the following officers:

Section of Diagnostic Neuroradiology

Nick Bryan, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of NeuroRadiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A.


Pediatric Neuroradiology       
Charles Raybaud, M.D.
Professor of Neuroradiology, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada

Degenerative Diseases of the Brain
Clifford Jack M.D.

Professor of NeuroRadiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, U.S.A.

New technologies
Bernard Mazoyer, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Radiology and Head of Cyceron Center, Caen, France

Spinal cord and Spine
Claude Manelfe, M.D. 

Professor of Neuroradiology, CHU Purpan, Toulouse, France

Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Akira Yagishita, M.D.

Chief of Neuroradiology, Hospital for Neurologic Diseases, Tokyo, Japan

Research in Neuroimaging
Georges Salamon, M.D, Ph.D.

Research Professor of NeuroRadiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Section of Interventional Neuroradiology

Luc Picard, M.D.

Professor of Neuroradiology, CHU de Nancy, Nancy, France
President of the World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies (WFNRS, 2006)

Jean Tamraz, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Neuroscience & Neuroradiology, Saint-Joseph University, Beirut, Lebanon

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